Viewing the VEX Brain Event Log in VS Code

The Event Log on the Vex Brain can be used to help troubleshoot issues by providing valuable diagnostics information. The Event Log includes information such as project execution, project download, or project stop actions. It also records hardware events such as the VEX Controller losing link to the VEX Brain, a Smart Device being disconnected, and any battery notifications.

How to upload the VEX Brain Event Log in VS Code

  • Connect the Vex Brain to the VEX VS Code Extension. Click on the VEX icon on the Activity Bar.

    Screenshot of the VS Code Extension interface for V5, showcasing features and functionality relevant to users.
  • The VEX view will open in the Side Bar. Hover the mouse over the VEX Brain Icon or the VEX Brain text under VEX DEVICE INFO in the VEX view.

    Diagram illustrating the features and functionalities of the V5 VS Code Extension, showcasing its integration and usage within the development environment.
  • The icons will appear next to the VEX Brain text. Click on the Event Log Icon.

    Screenshot of the VEX V5 Code Extension interface in Visual Studio Code, showcasing features and tools available for programming VEX robotics.
  • The Save As window will prompt. Type a name for the Event Log file in the File name Text Box and click on the Save Button.

    Screenshot of the VEX V5 Code Extension interface in Visual Studio Code, showcasing features and tools available for programming VEX robotics.
  • The Event Log file will be saved on the computer and will be opened in the Editor area of the VS Code.

    Diagram illustrating the features and components of the VEX V5 Code Extension for Visual Studio Code, highlighting its integration and functionality for programming VEX robotics.

For more information, help, and tips, check out the many resources at VEX Professional Development Plus

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