Using Interactive Activities in the VR 123 Playspace

The 123 Playspace in VEXcode VR includes several interactive Activities. This article includes information about what interactive Activities are and describes the additional features the VR 123 Robot has for some of the Activities. Information for using these Activities successfully is also provided.

What Kinds of Activities are Available in the VR 123 Playspace ?

There are two types of Activities available in the VR 123 Playspace, "flat" Activities and interactive Activities. View this article to learn more about choosing an Activity in the 123 Playspace.

Screenshot of the VEXcode VR 123 Playspace interface, showcasing a virtual robot and coding blocks, designed for teaching coding concepts in an educational environment.

A "flat" Activity is one in which the elements on the Field are fixed, and appear 2-dimensional. The robot can navigate over and around the elements, but can't push them or move them in any way.

An interactive Activity is one in which some or all of the elements on the Field can be moved by the 123 Robot.

Some interactive Activities combine both flat and interactive elements. In these activities, the robot will be able to move some elements on the Field, and others will be flat and able to be driven over. Elements that can be moved have a more 3D appearance, while those that cannot appear flat.

Screenshot of the VEXcode VR 123 Playspace interface, showcasing a block-based coding environment with virtual robot controls and coding options, designed for teaching coding concepts and robotics principles in an educational setting.

The Choose Location Button can be used to change the starting position of the VR 123 Robot on the Field. This can make an Interactive Activity more or less challenging, depending on the location chosen.

View this article to learn more about setting the starting position of the VR 123 Robot.

Features of the VR 123 Robot in Interactive Activities

The VR Robot may have additional features in the interactive Activities. 

Screenshot of the 123 Playspace in VEXcode VR, showcasing the virtual robot environment where users can create and test code using a block-based interface, designed for educational purposes in coding and robotics.

In some interactive Activities, there is a green plow attachment at the front of the Robot that can be used to push elements on the Playground. When the VR 123 Robot turns, the plow attachment may inadvertently push game elements out of the way, so keep that in mind while coding.

Screenshot of the VEXcode VR 123 Playspace interface, showcasing the virtual robot programming environment with block-based coding options, designed for teaching coding concepts and robotics principles in STEM education.

In other interactive Activities, the VR 123 Robot may have different Art Ring attachments for added engagement. To learn more about the VR 123 Playspace, see this section of articles.

For more information, help, and tips, check out the many resources at VEX Professional Development Plus

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