Setting the Starting Position of the VR 123 Robot

Each Activity that opens in the 123 Playspace has a default starting position for the VR 123 Robot. You can change the starting position on the Field and the direction the VR 123 Robot is facing with the Choose Location button. 

Using the Choose Location Button

Screenshot of the VEXcode VR 123 Playspace interface, showcasing a virtual robot environment with coding blocks and tools for programming, designed to facilitate learning in STEM education.

From the Playground Window, you can select the 'Choose Location' button at any time to set the starting position of the VR 123 Robot on the Field. 

Screenshot of the VEXcode VR 123 Playspace interface, showcasing a virtual robot and coding blocks, designed for users to learn coding concepts through a simulated environment, supporting both block-based and text-based programming.

The Choose Location dialogue box will open, asking you where you want the robot to start.

Setting the VR 123 Robot's Location

Screenshot of the 123 Playspace in VEXcode VR, showcasing the virtual robot interface and coding blocks for programming, designed to facilitate learning in STEM education through interactive coding experiences.

Within the dialogue box, select the square on the Field in which you would like the VR 123 Robot to be placed.

Screenshot of the VEXcode VR 123 Playspace, showcasing the virtual robot interface with block-based coding elements, designed for teaching coding concepts and robotics principles in an educational setting.

Once selected, the VR 123 Robot will appear in the new location. 

To select a different location, select a different square on the Field. 

Changing the Starting Direction of the VR 123 Robot

Screenshot of the VEXcode VR 123 Playspace interface, showcasing a virtual robot and block-based coding elements, designed to facilitate coding education and robotics principles for students and educators in a simulated environment.

Use the left and right arrow buttons in the dialogue box to change the direction the VR 123 Robot is facing. Each press of the button will rotate the robot 90 degrees in the selected direction. Continue pressing the buttons until the VR 123 Robot faces your desired direction. 

Screenshot of the VEXcode VR 123 Playspace interface, showcasing a virtual robot and programming blocks, designed for coding education and STEM learning.

The VR 123 Robot will turn and face the direction selected. 

Screenshot of the VEXcode VR 123 Playspace, showcasing the virtual robot interface and block-based coding options for programming in a simulated environment, designed for educational purposes in STEM learning.

Once you have the VR 123 Robot in the desired starting location and direction, select the Confirm button to return to the 123 Playspace.

Screenshot of the VEXcode VR 123 Playspace interface, showcasing the virtual robot and block-based coding options, designed for educational use in teaching coding concepts and robotics principles.

The VR 123 Robot is now ready to be coded from its new starting position!

You can change the starting position at any time using the Choose Location button.

For more information, help, and tips, check out the many resources at VEX Professional Development Plus

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