Using Example Projects with the GO Competition - Mars Math Expedition Playground

Example projects provide students with an easy way to get started learning how to use different blocks to complete the tasks on the GO Competition - Mars Math Expedition Playground.

What are some of the Mars Math Expedition Playground Example Projects?

Screenshot of VEXcode VR interface showcasing the Mars Math Expedition challenge, featuring a virtual robot and a block-based coding environment designed for students to learn coding concepts and solve problems in STEM education.

Example projects are provided for each aspect of game play, such as tilting the Solar Panel and clearing the Landing Site.

Getting Started Using Mars Math Expedition Example Projects

Screenshot of VEXcode VR interface showcasing the GO Competition – Mars Math Expedition, featuring a virtual robot and block-based coding options for programming tasks related to STEM education.

To open an example project, select the File menu.

Screenshot of VEXcode VR interface displaying the Mars Math Expedition GO Competition, showcasing block-based coding elements and a virtual robot environment designed for educational STEM learning.

Select 'Open Examples.

Screenshot of VEXcode VR interface showcasing the programming environment for the GO Competition – Mars Math Expedition, featuring block-based coding options and a virtual robot for educational STEM activities.

Select an Example Project. The Mars Math Expedition Playground Example projects feature the VR Competition Advanced Hero Robot in the icon.

Screenshot of the VEXcode VR interface displaying the GO Competition – Mars Math Expedition coding challenge, featuring block-based programming elements and a virtual robot in a simulated environment.

Once the Example Project loads, be sure to select the correct Stage on the Playground to ensure it runs properly. The note in the project will include the Stage. For more information about how to select the correct Stage in the playground, see this article.

Using Mars Math Expedition Example Projects with Students

Using example projects allows students to get started coding right away on the GO Competition - Mars Math Expedition Playground. Once an example project has been selected, the following steps will support your students as they learn to code the VR Hero Robot to complete tasks and earn points.

Screenshot of VEXcode VR interface showcasing the Mars Math Expedition challenge, featuring a virtual robot and block-based coding elements, designed to teach coding concepts and problem-solving in STEM education.

Step 1: Open an example project, making sure to select the correct Stage. Run the Example Project for Students.

Guide students to open the GO Competition – Mars Math Expedition Playground, select the correct Stage, and press the Start button to run the example project. Have students observe the behaviors of the VR Hero Robot, and talk about how they relate to the example project.

Screenshot of VEXcode VR interface showcasing the programming environment for the GO Competition – Mars Math Expedition, featuring a block-based coding layout designed for learning coding concepts with a virtual robot.

Step 2: Modify the example project to make it your own.

  • Encourage students to think about the particular aspect of game play demonstrated in the example project, and how they could change the code to complete tasks and earn points on the Playground. 
  • Students should choose one thing to change at a time, so they can see the direct effects of their changes. Remind students to run their projects frequently to see how each change affects the behavior of the robot.
  • Students can continue modifying projects in this way many times, observing the results of the changes they are making and using this information in order to improve their ability to complete game tasks and earn points.
  • For additional information on the use of any block or command, access the Help section by clicking on the question mark in the upper right corner of the workspace.

Screenshot of VEXcode VR interface showcasing the Mars Math Expedition challenge, featuring a virtual robot and block-based coding elements designed for educational purposes in STEM learning.

Step 3: Experiment with another example project or try your own. 

After students have iterated on one example project several times, they may be ready to use what they have learned to create their own projects, or to remix another example project to continue to improve their coding.

For more information, help, and tips, check out the many resources at VEX Professional Development Plus

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